New vs existing users

Sometimes you may wish to show different tours to users based on how long they have been using your app. For example you may only want to show certain tours to users who recently signed up. In this example we are going to explore how have a tour only show to users who have joined in the last x days.

1. Pass number of days since user signed up to HelpHero

In this example we are going to pass a daysSinceSignup user property to HelpHero.

  // assumes user object with id (string or number) and createdAt (Date) exists in scope
  // the implementation will varying depending on your development setup
  HelpHero.identify(, {
    daysSinceSignup: Math.floor(( - user.createdAt.getTime()) / 86400000)
Note: this code will vary depending on the server language and frameworks you are using. Please consult with your development team and get in touch if you need more information.

2. Setup a funnel

Now that HelpHero knows about this new user property you can setup tours to only show if the user signed up within a certain number of days.

In some scenarios you may want to only want to automatically start the tour for new users but have it available to all users via a checklist. This can be achieved by adding a triggered by funnel condition.